Description here

Bus Journey
08:30 Bus Departs Oxford 08:55 Bus arrives Culham

Bus Journey
08:30 Bus Departs Oxford 08:55 Bus arrives Culham

9:00 – 9:10 Introduction

Plasma Instabilities
Dr. Ken McClements

09:10 – 9:40 Welcome
Prof. Ian Chapman

History of Fusion
Chris Warrick

Coffee Break

Coffee Break

Single Particle Motion
Dr. Michael Fitzgerald

Balooning Theory
Dr. Sarah Newton

Waves in Plasmas Problem Solving



Plasma Kinetic Theory
Dr. Ben McMillian

Applied Low Temperature Plasmas
Dr. James Dedrick

Coffee Break

Introduction to JET
Prof. Ian Chapman

Plasma Kinetic Theory
Dr. Ben McMillian

Coffee Break

Tour of JET

Bus Journey
16:00 Bus Departs Culham 16:30 Bus arrives Oxford

Bus Journey
16:45 Bus Departs Culham 17:15 Bus arrives Oxford

Welcome Dinner
St Edmund Hall